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About Us

It’s not hard to find someone to help you with tasks. It’s finding someone who you can trust and depend on that gets tricky. That’s why, at Medical Virtual Assistants Company (MVAC) recruiting the right people is at the heart of our business.

Delegating tasks gives you the breathing room you need to do the things you want to do, but wouldn't otherwise have time for. So reach out and take advantage of the array of services Medical Virtual Assistants Company (MVAC) offers. 


      Managing a fast-paced medical practice is difficult but add on the high turnover rate of employees and the task becomes even more difficult. I would hire and train employees every 6 months only to have them leave after a short amount of time. It was hard to find good employees that would stay long term which caused instability. With the COVID-19 pandemic, it became even more difficult to find good hires as few people wanted to work in person. 


      As I was contemplating ways to address this issue, I realized that not all positions required hands-on work. Positions such as receptionist, billing, and scheduler could be done remotely. Having remote workers would help create a setting where things got done and employees stayed longer. There wouldn't be a need to constantly retrain new employees over and over again. It would save time, improve productivity, and increase efficiency.


      While searching the market for potential hires, I found that there were not many options and that none met my expectations. It was then that I came up with the idea to create my own company. It would not only increase the supply in the market but also provides high-quality work. I wanted to help other managers, like myself, have access to cost-efficient alternatives and quality workers.


                                                                                         - Shoaib Irshad, CEO

Vision of MVAC

  • Top Quality Care for Patients

  • Increase Efficiency and Productivity for Care Centers at an Affordable Cost.

  • Customer first policy

  • Empowering healthcare professionals: The company sees itself as a tool to free up doctors and nurses from administrative and operations tasks, allowing them to focus on patients.

  • Enhancing patient engagement: The company sees virtual assistants as a way to improve communication and care coordination with patients.

  • Accessible, personalized care: The ultimate goal is to use technology to make healthcare more accessible and tailored to individual needs.

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